Sunday 10 May 2015

UI art from The Presequel!

Here's some of my work from Borderlands: The Presequel!
Logo back plate
Character action skill timer
Grinder Interface
Red Belly title

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Maliwan SMG

Here's a little hard surface to kick off 2015. Mostly doing this as a modelling exercise, I took a concept I really liked and executed it with some tweaks in line with that Maliwan 2.0 concept I posted last year. Now onto texturing!

Sunday 23 March 2014

Pipe Wrench Detailing

Okay so I finally got time to sit down this weekend and work on this bad boy. I managed to get some cool detail out of the hi-res, but learning these detailing techniques is a bit of a work in progress as I am still finding my feet in ZBrush. I think the texturing was pretty successful, it's the first time I've attempted anything like this. The result is somewhat stylized, so I'm hoping the materials read okay.

Sunday 16 February 2014

Pipe Wrench Hi-Res

Quick modelling challenge, did this over the weekend. I was trying for something with the broad forms of a vintage wrench, but slickly designed in a futuristic sci-fi way. Gonna rough it up and give it a little texture lovin, that's an area I need some practice in!

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Learning sculpture

I've decided I'd like to get more familiar with anatomy, so I'm starting from the ground up. Here's a skeleton I constructed in Zbrush.

I definitely won't be posting anything until 2014, as I'll be in Melbourne for a few weeks over Christmas and into the new year.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Model Something Challenge #2: Murder of Crows

Model Something is a miniature project I set for myself to get better at asset production. I sometimes find myself focusing on minor details at the expense of the larger goal. That's why I've decided to take on these smaller tasks to get better at staying goal focused and production oriented.

Episode 1 of Bioshock Infinite's story based DLC is out tomorrow, so in that spirit I decided to model this:
Doin the high to low res took most of the weekend, and I spread the texturing over two evenings so I'm calling this a three day modelling result.

Sunday 27 October 2013

Maliwan 2.0

Maliwan is my favorite brand in Borderlands. I think it could be because it combines two of my passions: graphic design and first person shooters. I did this re-imagining of the Maliwan SMG as a tribute to the original, artistically one of my favorite weapons in any game or film (not that I'd call myself any sort of firearm enthusiast!) I went more minimalist with the design, and incorporated some elements from early concepts that I found on Google.